Sabine Saifi - Heilpraktikerin, Klassische Homöopathie

Classical Homeopathy

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a field of natural medicine. It is based on the law of similarity after Hahnemann (founder of homeopathy, 1755-1843), whose principle Paracelsus (1493-1541) was known:

"The same is confirmed by similar healed."

According to this principle, a disease through a homeopathic medicines cured, in a sense similar symptoms as the sick. The medicine is in a low dose, and in particular prepared form administered. With this depth treatment, which is tailored to each person voted, it's own immune system and the vitality of stimulated or animated themselves against the disease and related complaints to defend.

The body has a great potential for self-healing. It looks homeopathy people as a whole always with body, mind and soul, and it is also on all of these three levels instead of a cure.